(410) 339-7770

About Us

Welcome to Hunt’s Church!


As Hunt’s Church is approaching our 250th year, we continue to look to grow our church community. No matter where you are in life, there is a place for you at Hunt’s Church. We are proudly a reconciling congregation. We believe ALL people are made in the image of God: all genders, sexual orientations, races, and backgrounds are loved and welcomed as part of the Hunt’s community.

Our church comes together for worship on Sundays with rotating Sermon Series that touch on important topics for contemporary life. We also livestream worship each week, so you can enjoy worship together even from afar. Click below to learn more about in-person or online worship. In addition to adult worship on Sundays, our youngest congregation members are welcomed into Nursery Care or Sunday School. For older youth, Hunt’s Senior High Youth Group has been going on for over 50 years and welcomes teens from all backgrounds to grow through faith and values based activites and programs. We have a number of Adult Minstries as well for the grown-ups to conitnue their faith journey. More information can be found on our ministries page.

We nurture our community with a number of fellowship activities and events through the year, which can be found on our calendar. Hunt’s Church is also active in the broader community, with a number of mission partners we support through donations and hands-on service. 

Stay up to date and share Hunt’s Church happenings on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. Please feel free to reach out directly; Rev. Carissa is always happy to connect in person or virtually.

Pastor & Staff


Calendar & Events





Reconciling Ministries

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