(410) 339-7770

This Month at Hunt's

Check out our January Newsletter!

It’s here! The January newsletter is packed with photos of Christmas celebrations and details about upcoming events at Hunt’s Church. Download and read your copy today:

Youth Ministry Returns!


Mid-High is for 4th-8th grade and meets at 11:30am on the 3rd Sunday of each month in VanMetre Hall. (Next meeting: January 21) Email Merrilee to get updates.

Senior High

Senior High is for 9th-12th grade and meets from 6:30-8pm in VanMetre Hall on January 21 and 28. Email Kelly and follow @huntsseniorhigh on Instagram to get updates.

The Senior Sub Sale has begun! 🌯

For $8 each, you can purchase freshly prepared 12” cold cut subs and support our youth.

Volunteering Spotlight 🔎

  • Start a Business, Change Your Life helps people with low incomes create sustainable businesses as a pathway out of poverty. The second cohort of this powerful mission is starting soon, and you can help! Be a welcoming face, help with photography needs, assist with clean up, provide snacks, and more – Read more on p. 10-11 of the January newsletter and then click here to volunteer.


  • Vacation Bible School (VBS) will be held July 8-12. If you want to help with this fun week of ministry with children, let Lisa know! Registration will open this spring. ✝️
  • Baltimore County Christian Workcamp (BCCW) will be held July 21-27. If you want to help with this home repair mission, let Steve know! 🛠️

Important Reminders

  • Lent begins early this year! Mark your calendar for the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, scheduled for February 13 from 6-7:30pm. We’re currently seeking volunteers to lead and support this meal! Email Howard if you are interested.


  • Make plans to begin Lent at Hunt’s Church on Ash Wednesday, February 14. You can receive an imposition of ashes during “Ashes to Go” from 8-9AM or attend the 7PM worship service.
  • Anyone entering the church building during Preschool hours (M-F, 8am-5:30pm) must sign-in at the Preschool office. You will be given a ‘visitor’ lanyard to wear throughout your time in the building, so teachers know you are a safe adult. Thanks for your support!


(The list may take a moment to load.)

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