Senior High Youth Group
Sundays 6:30 pm–8:30 pm
We welcome all high school students, grades 9 thru 12, from our community to join us. You don’t have to be a member of Hunt’s to be a member of our youth group.

Sunday Meetings
Sunday evening meetings focus on topics pertinent to the lives of teenagers, while providing spiritual growth and fellowship. Youth and counselors in Hunt’s Senior High foster an atmosphere of support and friendship.

Group Trips
Various trips are enjoyed throughout the year including camping, skiing and lake trips. Activities include bowling nights, amusement parks, progressive dinners, O’s games and much more!

Community Outreach
Senior High participates in church and community outreach that has included Project Clean Stream, caroling to homebound members, helping with church events, and an annual Missions Trip to Camp Hope.

Worship Service
A tradition for over 45 years, the Hunt’s Senior High Group leads a joyful and spirit-filled worship service each spring. Graduating Seniors reflect on their time spent with senior high, as well as, their faith journey.
Want to Join Senior High?
For more information about Senior High or to join, email the church office.