Throughout the year, we study different themes that allow us to learn more about modern-day discipleship. Our pastor uses these themes to teach and lead us through the scriptures.
Check out what we’re studying this month!

Two Worship Services, 8:30am & 10am
We all have those moments when we say, “This is just not what I expected.” Our best laid plans get wrecked and we find ourselves wondering what to do next. But what if we saw each change as an invitation to look for God? Jesus himself faced constant disruption, but found life and healing in those unexpected moments. Let’s allow God to break into our lives and change our plans for good!
Worship Schedule
January 26 |Calling of the Disciples| Luke 5:1-11
February 2 |Scouting Sunday | Luke 6:1-6
February 9| Centurion’s Servant + Faith; Widow’s Son | Luke 7:1-17
February 16 | Jesus and John the Baptist | Luke 7:18-35
February 23 | Sinner Woman Anointing Jesus’ Feet | Luke 7:36-50
March 2 | Jesus’ Transfiguration | Luke 9:28-35

A Reconciling Congregation.
Contact Info
Hunt’s Memorial UMC
1912 Old Court Road
Towson, MD 21204
Phone: 410-339-7770
Fax: 410-339-7790