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Church Leadership

Hunt’s Church is blessed with passionate people who are committed to leading this congregation in the Ruxton/Riderwood community. The following teams and committees provide leadership to the church throughout the year.

Core Leaders

Our pastor is appointed by the bishop of the Baltimore-Washington Conference to conduct the ministries of word, sacrament, order, and service. Read more about the responsibilities of a United Methodist pastor here. To learn more about our pastor, visit the staff page of the website and contact Rev. Carissa Surber.

Lay Leader

The Lay Leader of the church is the primary representative and role model of Christian discipleship and faith lived out in the church and in daily life. The Lay Leader works with the pastor to fulfill the mission and vision of the congregation. To learn more about our church, contact Lay Leader Pegg Melfa.

Lay Member of Annual Conference

The Lay Member of Annual Conferencerepresents our church’s interests in the legislative body at Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference sessions. They inform the congregation about UMC activities in the conference around the world, building connections between our church and other local UMC congregations. To learn more about our church and conference, contact Lay Member Donna Sibley.

Church Council

The Church Council sets the tone and vision for the church, in partnership with the pastor. This team receives reports from other committees, delegates work to those teams, and handles decisions that affect the entire congregation. To learn more about the work of Church Council, contact chairperson Cathy Junkin.

Program Committees
Community Life Committee

The Community Life Committee coordinates the ministries of the church that care for current members through visitation, meals, fellowship, and more. This committee includes the leaders of several other ministries, including the Turkey Dinner, Shepherd Program, 250th Anniversary, Hospital & Home, and Shepherd programs. It also includes our Church Historian and Membership Secretary. In 2023, this committee is developing a new Hospitality Team. To connect with the Community Life Committee or any of its members, contact chairperson Donna Sibley.

Education Committee

The Education Committee works with the pastor to oversee the intentional faith development of the congregation, including children, youth, and adults. They manage several ministries, including Nursery, Sunday School, Confirmation, and Youth Group. This team develops and updates the discipleship pathway for Hunt’s Church, recommending next steps to meet people at every stage of faith formation. To learn more about the work of Church Council, contact chairpersons Jody Waters and Kathy Davis.

Missions Committee

The Missions Committee coordinates the helping ministries of the church that conduct acts of justice and mercy in our community, state, and world. To connect with the mission work of Hunt’s Church, contact chairperson Lynn Henss

Preschool Committee

The Preschool Committee oversees key management decisions that guide the direction of Hunt’s Church Preschool. This team collaborates with the preschool director to set policy, approve the annual budget, review the annual strategic and operating plans, and connect the preschool and congregation. To connect with the work of the Preschool Committee, contact chairperson Trish Funderburk.

Reconciling Ministries Committee

The Reconciling Ministries Committee leads Hunt’s Church to embrce our identity as a Reconciling Congregation. This may include special programming, annual recognitions, signage, and participation in community events such as Pride. To connect with the work of Reconciling Ministries, contact chairperson Merle Bayne.

Worship Committee

The Worship Committee sets the vision and tone for worship life of Hunt’s Church, under the leadership of our pastor. This team manages logistics including communion, altar, flowers, candles, and music, in addition to recommending sanctuary upgrades and improvements to the Board of Trustees. To connect with the Worship Committee, contact chairperson Barbara Anastasion.

Administrative Committees
Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees has care and oversight of all church property, buildings, and equipment in order to accomplish the mission of the church. This team sets the broad vision for developing the Hunt’s Church campus, while also managing routine questions, issues, and maintenance. To connect with the work of the Board of Trustees, contact chairpersons Kelly Heubeck and Rusty Erdman.

COVID Task Force

The COVID Task Force (previously known as the Reopening Task Force) creates policy related to the health and safety of the congregation pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic. This team monitors community spread, scientific findings, and best practices per CDC, government officials, and the Baltimore-Washington Conference. To connect with the work of the COVID Task Force, contact chairperson Barbara Anastasion.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee manages and administers the financial resources of the church in order to enable the ministry of the church. This team compiles an annual budget that supports the mission and vision of Hunt’s Church, identifies alternative sources of funding for special needs, and partners with the pastor in executing the annual stewardship campaign. The Finance Committee works with other teams in the church, including the Memorial, Scholarship, and Carroll’s-Gill’s Permanent Endowment Fund Committees. To connect with the work of the Finance Committee and related groups, contact chairperson Ted Ochs.

Lay Leadership Development Committee

The Lay Leadership Development Committee develops disciples into leaders who make more disciples. This team assists Church Council in creating a healthy culture of leadership by identifying the gifts and skills of the congregation and how they can best be used. To learn more about the work of Church Council, contact chairperson Rev. Carissa Surber.

Staff-Parish Relations Committee

The Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) encourages, strengthens, nurtures, supports, and respects the pastor and staff and their families. This team assists in setting pastor/staff priorities that support the ministry of the church as a whole. They recommend annual pastor/staff compensation and handle all personnel matters in the church. To learn more about the work of the SPRC, contact chairperson Jim Foster.

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