(410) 339-7770


Get Connected

Hunt’s Church is an active church. What makes Hunt’s great is the people. We are an “extended family” to many. Besides numerous volunteer mission opportunities that serve the Baltimore-Metropolitan communities and beyond, Hunt’s Church has a number of groups, activities, and social church functions that involve the strengthening our own relationship with God. Check the calendar to stay up to date on all of Hunt’s events.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Two different AA groups meet at Hunt’s. The Monday night group meets at 8:30pm; the Friday group meets at 11am. For more information on Alcoholics Anonymous, please visit their website: http://www.aa.org.

Bible Study

Hunt’s Church has seasonal Bible studies and book studies led by Rev. Carissa. Studies include reviewing books of the Bible, cultivating a more effective prayer life, dealing with life challenges, understanding world religions, religious archeology, and other topics of interest. Please contact the church office, at 410-339-7770, for more information.

Church Leadership

There are close to twenty different committees at Hunt’s ranging from advertising church events to the worship committee.


The Funhunters is a group of church members who gather monthly, usually on the second Friday of the month, to lunch together at various restaurants around town.  Conversation and comradely make for an interesting afternoon of socializing with church friends.  If you’re interested in adding a little fun to your regular routine, join the Funhunters on the group’s next excursion.

Men’s Fellowship

The Men’s Fellowship group meets for coffee in the Agape House weekly. Discussion topics are decided by the group. Lively discussion often focuses on books of interest, current events, and topical questions. 

Women’s Fellowship

The Women’s Fellowship meets for breakfast to discuss contemporary topics, and assist in projects related to missions and outreach. Guest speakers are invited at times and lead discussions related to their area of interests.

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